Outward Investment Insurance (OII) levels the playing field between operating in Botswana and operating in another country.
Batswana enterprises and industrialists looking to expand beyond our borders in pursuance of

  • Economic diversification
  • Economies of scale
  • Economic growth
  • Food security/essential products

Do face risks which they are unable to control. These risks can be summarized as confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, creeping expropriation, discriminatory change in law, embargo, civil strife, insurrection, war, currency inconvertibility, transfer risk (ability to transfer profits/dividends to Botswana), and breach of contract by a sovereign entity.

OII protects against all these risks. Furthermore, international enterprises that are looking for a base in Africa, may now establish themselves in Botswana and expand from here into the continent with OII cover from BECI.

Qualifying Products

  • Equity investments
  • Shareholders’ loans


Botswana entities expanding/investing into other countries.

Period of Cover

Maximum 15 years.

Nature of Cover

Risks covered can be summarized as confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, creeping expropriation, discriminatory change in law, embargo, civil strife, insurrection, war, currency inconvertibility, transfer risk (ability to transfer profits/dividends to Botswana) and breach of contract by a sovereign entity. OII protects against all these risks.

Maximum Indemnification

90% of a loss suffered by the investor.


Payable annually upfront at the beginning of each insurance year as a fixed percentage of the insured amount.